After selecting the chart pages for your pattern Markup R-XP will automatically try to determine the correct layout of those pages. The intention of this step is to allow the user to review the suggested page layout and make any changes if required.


Page Layout Options

Indicates how many pages across and how many pages down the chart layout should be.


The values available in this dropdown are dependent upon the number of chart pages selected in the previous step. All possible factors are calculated and added to this drop down. In this chart example, 6 chart pages were selected and so the layout options are:


Note: If in this example 7 chart pages had been selected then the only options would be (1 x7) or (7 x1), which would both be incorrect for this chart. The process should be cancelled, and the chart reloaded in this case.



Page Numbering Direction

The order of chart pages within a PDF can differ depending on designer. To account for minor differences in these layouts Markup R-XP allows the user to select the correct page numbering direction, either ‘Left-to-Right’ or ‘Top-to-Bottom’. Use the page thumbnails to determine which chart layout looks correct.


Left to Right Page Numbering

Pages are added in order from left to right:


Top to Bottom Page Numbering

Pages are added in order from top to bottom:


Note: Page layouts in some PDF charts fit neither configuration. To load those charts into Markup R-XP the order of chart pages within the PDF will need to be modified by an external PDF editor. Alternatively, these charts can still be marked up in Markup R-XP using Single Page, only Full Chart mode will be incorrect if the order of chart pages is invalid.


First Page Position

The location of the first chart page within a PDF can also differ depending on designer. If the first page appears early in the PDF before other chart pages, then choose the ‘UP’ direction for first page position. Whereas if the first page position is towards the end of the document and after all chart pages, then choose the ‘DOWN’ direction for the first page position. Use the page thumbnails to determine which chart layout looks correct.


‘UP’ Direction

First page appears before other chart pages in the PDF


‘DOWN’ Direction

First page appears after other chart pages in the PDF




Pan & Zoom

The layout can be pan and zoomed for further inspection to ensure the correct configuration of pages is chosen. The thumbnail quality can vary between charts and designers.



Incorrectly Selected Pages

Click on the Cancel button to stop the autoloader if you detect a mistake at this stage.


The Next Step

Click on the Next button in the top right-hand corner to move to the next step in the autoloader process.